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Mary Ruedinger

December 2024

Wishing you a Blessed Christmas Season

We feel a sense of wonderment when we look back at all the accomplishments at Songambele Hospital during 2024 and know that your generosity is at its core.  For all the hope you bring to Songambele and Nkololo Parish we would like to take this moment to thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. 

All the best to you and your family,

Tom Shellander, Roads To Life Tanzania, Inc., President

Mary Ruedinger, Roads To Life Tanzania, Inc., Treasurer and Chair of Development


A letter from our Founder, Father Paul:

Dear Friends of many many years,

Here in St. Peter Parish Nkololo we continue with our very simple preparations for the holy day of Christmas. Today the 2 nd Sunday of Advent I heard many confessions before saying Mass at our outstation of Ng’wamoto. Next week on Saturday we will have confessions after our 3 p.m. Divine Mercy prayers and again the following Saturday. Monday and Tuesday before Christmas we will spend some time cleaning up around and in the church. I hope that we will have some flowers donated to brighten up the church. Tuesday we will use our limited number of figurines to put up our simple crib. At 9 p.m. Christmas Eve the young people will put on a little play followed by our choir singing as people fill the church. I will start Mass after ten p.m. and finish about midnight. In better days I invited a few people to the house for food and drink but now I have to get to bed so that I am ready for the 10:30 a.m. Mass. My associate pastor Fr. Mashaka will spend the night at Gasuma Center saying Masses. The Christmas cards, gifts etc that I grew up with will gradually creep in and there will be less Christ in Christmas but so far that has not happened in Nkololo. Christmas is still a Holyday and not just a holiday. May your Christmas be a Holy and Blessed day. You will all be in my prayers.


Fr. Paul

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